This past weekend, I attended a grand opening celebration for an eye company. You know, glasses, optometrist, close one eye… that whole thing. It was a lovely event, aided by free booze and food, yet what I was most surprised and impressed by was their commitment to their social media strategy.
Let me give you an example. In their office, on one of their walls, they have their company hashtag, carved out of wood, literally begging people to use it. And it’s not just a side-note, it’s the whole focal point of the wall.
This got me thinking, “how many of us are this committed to our own social media strategy?” Every day I hear clients telling me they “want more leads from Facebook,” yet they don’t even have their own Facebook account. If they do have a Facebook business page, they don’t ever ask anyone to “like” it. Not their current clients, not their past clients, no one. They’re just hoping people will flock to their page to see what they have to say.
Having a social media strategy doesn’t mean you need to have your own hashtag and carve it out in huge letters in your office, but it does mean you need to integrate it into everything you do, every touch point for your business.
Ask yourself these questions:
- Do I ask every customer to “like” my Facebook page?
- Is my Google+ URL attached to every email that goes out?
- Do I have a sign that reminds people to check-in to my office when they meet with me?
- Do I suggest my clients rate and review my business on Facebook, Yelp, or Google?
- Do I have a pre-planned content calendar written out so I’m not flying by the seat of my pants?
If you’ve answered no to any (or all) of these questions, you lack commitment in your social media strategy. You might want to take some time to sit down and brainstorm a plan of action for how and when you’re going to fix this. If you need some help, feel free to reach out to us and we can schedule some time to go over your social media strategy.
Here’s another cool photo from last weekend’s event. They had these everywhere, what a great idea.
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