37 Post Ideas for Your Mortgage Social Media Accounts—With Examples

Mortgage Social Media

One of the key elements of using social media effectively is consistently posting to your company profiles. This is where most mortgage professionals fail because they simply don’t have the time or creativity to come up with new posts. So, to help you, we’ve come up with 37 mortgage social media post ideas, with real-world examples, that you can use as inspiration for your own social media posts.

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1. New Employee

Highlighting new employees is a great way to show the world your company is made up of real people. It also helps welcome the new recruits and gives them a little face time.

New Employee Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Brand Mortgage

2. New Company Location

If you have recently moved, or have opened up a new office in a new city, let everyone know about it. You’ll get the word out about your new market area and highlight the fact that your company is growing.

New Location Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Eagle Home Mortgage

3. Client Testimonial

The best posts are the posts where someone else is tooting your horn. Testimonials from real clients strengthen your brand, build trust with potential clients, and otherwise feel good!

Client Testimonial Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Pacific Residential Mortgage

4. Client Closing

This is probably my favorite type of post: the client closing photo. Even if you can’t be at the closing, ask your escrow officer or Realtor partner to snap the photo. There’s no happier client than one who just closed on their home!

Client Closing Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. – Bellevue, WA

5. Internal Company News

Let everyone know what’s going on at your company. Give them sneak peeks into what it’s like working for your company.

Internal Company News Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Movement Mortgage

6. New Loan Product

Talking about a new loan product can be exciting. It can be a great way to pique the interest of a follower who has yet to become a client.

New Loan Product Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Residential Home Funding

7. Mortgage Glossary Term

We often get so caught up in the teeny, tiny details of mortgage loans, that we forget most people don’t know the most basic of terms and principles. Be a guiding light by explaining the terms found in any mortgage glossary.

Mortgage Glossary Terms Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Shannon Odom, Mortgage Loan Officer

8. Employee Spotlight

Similar to a New Employee Post, the Employee Spotlight does just that: highlights a current employee. These posts are great for introducing employees who work in ops and explaining what they do.

Employee Spotlight Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Graystone Mortgage

9. Inspirational Quote

Not everything has to be mortgage, mortgage, mortgage. People love being inspired and encouraged. We find inspirational posts are often shared, too.

Inspirational Quote Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. – San Francisco, CA

10. Client Party

A client party is an exciting and fun event. Why wouldn’t you showcase such an event on social media?! It not only gives your past clients a little face time on your profile, it also shows potential clients that you really do care.

Client Party Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Envoy Mortgage

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11. Company Charity Event

It’s so important to give back to charity. Companies of all shapes and sizes should give back to their community when they can. Company Charity Event posts are an excellent way to showcase the good your company does.

Company Charity Event Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Freedom Mortgage

12. Top Producers Spotlight

Happy employees make for happy borrowers. Show you’re proud of your employees’ successes by highlighting top producers in your company.

Top Producers Spotlight Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: RPM Mortgage, Inc.

13. Company Milestones / Rankings

People love to share in the success of others. This pertains to individuals as well as companies. Share your company’s growth and accolades. Give your past clients another reason to recommend you and your potential clients another reason to use you.

Company Milestones / Rankings Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Cornerstone Mortgage

14. Company in the News

If you’re a company who’s in the news a lot, you may want to cherry-pick the best topics, but posting about your company in the news helps with brand notariety and trust.

Company in the news Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Churchill Mortgage Corporation

15. Market Statistics

People like stats. Nerds LOVE stats. So give people and nerds a little love and share some market statistics with them. (Not to say that nerds aren’t people. We are.)

Mortgage Statistics Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Benchmark – a Community of Mortgage Professionals

16. This or That?

It’s important to keep your audience engaged with your profile. After all, engagement is what drives increased likes, comments, and shares, as more people see your posts. Asking your audience a polarizing question about two different styles is a great way to get them to engage with your content.

This or That Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Quicken Loans

17. Free Giveaway

People love free stuff. They love it. I mean, duh. Give away free stuff to your social media fans and followers. Make sure you’re following each site’s rules for contests and promotions, though! You don’t want to get banned!

Free Giveaway Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: City Creek Mortgage

18. Business Owner Spotlight

Business partners can be the lifeblood of any business. They can not only be an immense source of referrals, they often are your biggest supporters. Be supportive of local business owners in your database or local market area by showcasing them on social media. They’ll likely remember this little gesture for years to come.

Business Owner Spotlight Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Carol Flanagan / Northwest Mortgage Group, Inc.

19. Personal Accomplishment

Your great employees are doing amazing things every day in their personal lives. Nothing humanizes a brand more than real people in your company doing real things. Adding personal accomplishment posts to your social media plan also shows your employees you care about them beyond work.

Personal Accomplishment Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: VITEK Mortgage Group

20. Blog Post

It’s important to cross-promote any and all online marketing efforts as much as possible. It almost goes without saying—but we’ll say it anyway—that you should always share your company’s blog posts on all social media accounts. We could talk forever about mortgage blog content tips and tricks, so we’ll just give you a few right here and follow up with a post in the near future!

Blog Post Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Peoples Mortgage Company 

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21. Holiday Message

The Holiday Message post is one that most companies actually remember to do, even if it’s the only one. That being said, there is a lot of room for improvement in the area of Holiday Message posts. Read and re-read our tips below on this one.

Holiday Message Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Academy Mortgage Corporation

22. Sponsorship Opportunity

Sponsoring a golf tournament? How about a local baseball team? Show your sponsorship pride on your social media profiles.

Sponsorship Opportunity Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Central Source Mortgage Banking

23. Life Event

I’ve mentioned it before, but people love sharing in the celebration of major milestones. Let your fans and followers help spread the love for employee birthdays, newborn babies, weddings, etc.

Life Event Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Kwest Mortgage Group

24. Job Posting

Often the best referrals for new employees come from people you already know. Crowdsource your next employee using social media to announce your job posting.

Job Posting Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Options Financial Residential Mortgage

25. Question Post

We’ve mentioned engagement posts before, and a perfect example of such is the simple question post. You just ask a simple question. (One good enough to warrant a response of course.)

Question Post Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Directors Mortgage

26. Fun Fact

The Fun Fact post is a good post to try and get your audience to like and share. There has been a great thirst for knowledge on the web, especially recently, and the Fun Fact post gives you an opportunity to tap into that thirst while also spreading a little knowledge around.

Fun Fact Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: PERL Mortgage

27. Company Event

We said it earlier and we’ll say it again: happy employees make happy borrowers. Show your past and potential clients that your employees enjoy where they work. Anything that gets employees involved on social media will help ensure your content gets spread as far as possible.

Company Event Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Shore Mortgage

28. National Day

The National Day is not quite a holiday, but is a day celebrated by lovers of all types of things: donuts, pizza, dogs, secretaries. Find the things important to your fans and followers and share in their love of the every day.

National Day Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Mortgage Master, Inc.

29. Share Offline Marketing

Another great idea to help cross-promote your other marketing efforts, except this post type is about finding and sharing offline marketing.

Share Offline Marketing Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Citywide Home Loans

30. Realtor Listing Spotlight

Help your referral partners grow their business by showcasing their listings.

Realtor Partner Listing Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: First Option Mortgage

31. Past Client Remodel Project

If you have a past client who’s completed a gorgeous remodel on a house you helped finance, bring over a house re-warming gift and snap some great photos of the space.

Past Client Remodel Project Mortgage Social Media Post Idea

Source: Home Improvement Loan Experts

Other Mortgage Social Media Post Ideas

I couldn’t find active examples for the rest of my post ideas. That being said, I think all of these ideas would be a slam dunk for your mortgage social media efforts. And, since they seem to be elusive, you’d even look like a pioneer in your field!

32. Work Anniversary

Celebrate your employees’ time with your company by congratulating them on their work anniversary.

33. First Client Meeting

Snatch a photo of you with your clients at your first meeting together. Engaging your clients in your social media from the beginning of the transaction will help them stay involved once the transaction is over.

34. Client Savings Spotlight

If you helped a client save money on their refinance or saved them a bunch over a competitor on a quote, wouldn’t you want to shout that out to the world? Make sure you include specific numbers and examples of the savings.

35. Local Real Estate News

For local real estate news, it’s not that we couldn’t find any examples, we just couldn’t find many good ones. Sharing local real estate news is great; make sure you’re lending a fresh perspective on it, not just syndicating something that’s already been shared.

36. Most Expensive Market Listing

Everyone loves to see “how the other half lives”. Give your fans and followers a sneak peek into your local market’s most expensive listings. Partner with a Realtor to present the information. Who knows, you may have a jumbo loan in your near future.

37. Referral Partner Spotlight

There are few things that show your referral partners  you care like helping them grow their business. Share a personal experience you’ve had with your referral partner to strengthen the recommendation.

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11 responses to “37 Post Ideas for Your Mortgage Social Media Accounts—With Examples”

  1. Rhea Avatar

    GREAT ideas!!! Thank you SO much

  2. Sigrid Buendia Avatar
    Sigrid Buendia

    great post!!

  3. Anushka Avatar

    Amazing collection of content ideas, saving these for furure reference.

  4. […] This mortgage company wisely showcases ‘the client closing’ with its Facebook posts. (Source: Luminary Agent) […]

  5. Clark Avatar

    These ideas are great. I will be sure to follow these topics.

  6. Jimmy Avatar

    These ideas are great. Worth implementing

  7. Inchbank Lending Avatar
    Inchbank Lending

    Nice Blog Post! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Edward Avatar

    This is absolutely a very good source to check out. Keep sharing folks!

    1. Cody Martens Avatar
      Cody Martens

      Thanks, Edward! Glad you enjoyed it!

  9. Russelin Kisiel Avatar
    Russelin Kisiel

    This was by far one of the best blogs on social marketing!

    1. Cody Martens Avatar
      Cody Martens

      Thanks Russelin! I appreciate that!

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